NBB signs MoU with Korea Brain Research Institute
6 november 2014

From November 2 to November 7, Netherlands Brain Bank director Dr. Inge Huitinga visits the Republic of Korea to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the new Korea Brain Research Institute (KBRI) and the Netherlands Institute of Neuroscience (on behalf of the NBB). In addition, Inge Huitinga visits the KBRI, Seoul National University and Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST).
The MoU declares the intention for research cooperation in projects concerning human brain diseases. Specifically, the NIN and KBRI agree to collaborate in various research areas, particularly human neurodegenerative diseases and normal or abnormal development of the brain, and to provide opportunities to exchange skills, information and techniques in human brain banking and possible exchange of human brain tissues.
On November 3, Inge Huitinga and Dr. Yoo-Hun Suh (president of KBRI) signed the MoU in the presence of President Park Geun-hye of the Republic of Korea and Their Majesties King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima of the Netherlands. The ceremony took place at the Blue House (Cheong Wa Dae), the executive office and official residence of President Park. Inge Huitinga was also honored to attend the state banquet at the Blue House that same evening. Other members of the Dutch delegation of the state visit are Minister of Foreign Affairs Bert Koenders, Minister of Economic Affairs Henk Kamp, and Guus Hiddink, former coach of the Korean national football team.
The Blue House (Cheong Wa Dae)
On June 11, 2014, Dr. Je-Geun Chi (director) and Dr. Chang Man Ha (Senior Researcher) of the Korea Brain Bank visited the NBB in preparation of the official launching of the Korea Brain Bank, which is part of the KBRI. During this visit, the NBB shared its experiences in brain banking, and preparations for the MoU were made.